Silverwearables By Julia


Tree of Life
Trusting Your Heart Series
Fork Series

The inspiration for Silverwearables by Julia began during a 10 month journey with breast cancer treatments. I needed a way to support my mind, and my spirit, during a difficult time. A few synchronistic events led me to find a passion in exploring my creative side

I love jewelry, am drawn to silver, and love the concept of upcycling. I began playing with recycled cutlery, some I found at thrift stores, and some was gifted to me. It was the perfect way for me to feel inspired, rather than negative, and fearful….a “Silver Lining” in my journey.

I believe staying inspired was a huge benefit that enabled me not only to survive, but to thrive, through treatments, and beyond.

I believe my cancer experience came to wake me up, and to open my heart to the miracle that life is. It has guided me to show up differently in life, with more purpose, more passion, more joy, and more compassion.

That is the gift, and the “silver lining”.